Thursday, 26 June 2014

Retro-Renaissance next door ?

Retro-Renaissance,Underground music across the borders ?Would you believe that way back in the early sixties Ko Ko Korina, a foot tapping number was taking the whole of Pakistan on a swing, sung by one Ahmed Rushdi, in Armaan, 1966.This singer was a votary of Mohammed Rafi.It was all happening in the alleys of Karachi,those days, with Christian and Goan musicians of India.The latter were fed up with the restrictions of imported equipment in India and used the latest tools to curate and recreate a sound which was "Johnny Cash-esque chick-a-boom intro".Listen in then, to a new remake where the young celebrate the seeds and rocky memories of an inventive-past !
No connect this with Father's day anyway.

And if you gotten interested it is all here

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